
Mesothelioma Action Day

3 July 2015

Today is Mesothelioma Action Day and Unite are calling for an asbestos eradication law to cut the mesothelioma death toll.

Plans to reduce sickness benefit leaked

2 July 2015

A leaked Whitehall paper suggests that part of the Employment and Support Allowance may be scrapped.

In the Commons this week: Deregulation and the gender pay gap

2 July 2015

Conservative MPs congratulated themselves over deregulation.

The Campaign for Trade Union Freedom Durham event

Speakers include: Prof Keith Ewing President of IER and President of CTUF
John Hendy, QC Chair of IER and Vice President of CTUF
Owen Jones Guardian columnist, author of ‘The Establishment’ and ‘Chavs’
Tony Burke AGS of Unite the Union and Chair of CTUF
Chair: Carolyn Jones Director of IER and Assistant National Secretary of CTUF

Public enquiry into undercover policing should include infiltration of trade unions

1 July 2015

Public enquiry into undercover police activity must include trade unions and blacklisting

News Brief 26 June

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By Claudia O’Brian

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