
Public sector cuts have hit the North East hardest

19 June 2015

Office for National Statistics data shows a loss of 400,000 public sector jobs in the UK. The North East lost the most jobs, with the South East losing the least.

News Brief 12 June 2015

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By Claudia O’Brian

IPCC refuses to launch a formal enquiry into Orgreave

12 June 2015

After a two year delay, the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) has announced it will not launch an enquiry into the police brutality against miners on strike at Orgreave in South Yorkshire.

Survey finds public sector stress crisis

12 June 2015

A survey commissioned by the Guardian to investigate public sector workers’ wellbeing has been published.

Unemployment is not a psychological disorder

12 June 2015

The Department for Work and Pensions is using language and policy to rebrand unemployment as a mental health disorder, according to a new scientific study.

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