International Comparative Publications

Protecting Worker Solidarity Action: A Critique of International Labour Law

By Paul Germonetta

Published in June 2002

This paper considers ILO standards on international worker solidarity action. The central argument of the book is that in a globally-integrated capitalist economy, workers need strict legal protection if the right to take international solidarity action is to become a reality. The author discusses the most commonly used restrictions placed on such action before concluding that none are of sufficient importance to warrant the curtailment of this basic right.

The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights: Waste of Time or Wasted Opportunity?

By Keith Ewing

Published in May 2002

The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights was solemnly proclaimed by the heads of government at Nice in December 2000. Although the new Charter includes workers’ rights and trade union rights, it has failed to meet the expectations of the people of Europe. Why?

Labour's Labour Law: Labour Law Reform in New Zealand Under a Labour Government

By Gordon Anderson

Published in September 2001

In both Britain and New Zealand Conservative governments pursued a neo-liberal economic and political agenda that included as a policy objective the radical restructuring of their systems of labour law. The result has been the weakening of trade unions through loss of membership and increased restrictions on their ability to operate effectively.

International Trade Union Rights for the New Millennium

By Keith Ewing and Tom Sibley

Published in December 2000

International Trade Union Rights for the New MilleniumFollowing four years of research and consultation, this report highlights the need for those international labour standards concerning freedom of association to be consolidated, simplified and strengthened.

Resisting Union-Busting Techniques: Lessons from Quebec

By Laura Dubinsky

Published in July 2000

Resisting Union-Busting Techniques: lessons from Quebec is the fifth in a series of Comparative notes published by the Institute of Employment Rights.

The recognition procedure recently introduced in the UK closely resembles the statutory procedures operating in Canada. According to this booklet, Canadian unions have experienced acute difficulties with the legislation, most notably in the form of union-busting techniques developed by employers in their attempts to deny union recognition.

Trade Union Rights in South Africa: the Labour Relations Act 1995

By Roger Welch

Published in February 2000

Trade Union Rights in South Africa: the Labour Relations Act 1995 is the fourth in a series of Comparative Notes published by the Institute of Employment Rights.

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