Unions and Politics Publications

The Conservative Government’s proposed strike ballot thresholds: The challenge to trade unions

by Professor Ralph Darlington and Dr John Dobson

Published August 2015

According to the authors of this timely report, the government is attempting to rush into law ‘the most sweeping and radical tightening of rules on industrial action since the Thatcher era of the 1980’s’. They warn that such proposals could result in ‘the biggest showdown over industrial relations for a generation’ and go on to drill down into one aspect of the government’s proposals – strike ballots.

Reconstruction after the crisis: a manifesto for collective bargaining

By Professor Keith Ewing and John Hendy QC

Published in September 2013

This publication presents an evidence-based policy proposal for the state encouragement of collective bargaining, and particularly sectoral bargaining, as a tried-and-tested means of reducing income inequality and stimulating the sustainable recovery of a strong and resilient economy.

The political attack on workplace representation - a legal response

By Alan Bogg & K D Ewing

Published June 2013

Legal experts respond to the Tory-led Coalition's attack on worker representation in this timely report.

Ruined Lives: Blacklisting in the Construction Industry

by Prof Keith Ewing

Commissioned from IER by UCATT


Published in August 2009

This very timely report highlights the problems surrounding the practice of blacklisting within the UK and critically examines the governments proposed Regulations to deal with the matter.


Fighting Back: resisting 'union-busting' and 'strike-breaking' in the BA dispute

By Prof Keith Ewing

Published in September 2011

The story of this publication relates to a dispute that had huge implications for UNITE and BASSA members whose lives were turned upside down by the demands of the employer.

But the nature of the dispute and the conduct of BA also have massive implications for british trade unionism generally.

Federation News Spring 2011: Private Enterprise in Public Services

May 2011

The language of "enterprise" has once again come to dominate British society. This enterprise crusade - a throwback to the Thatcherite political ideology of the 1980's - has been launched in the hope of providing moral and economic justification for unprecedented cuts in the public sector.

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